
Furniture Re-Do

Have you ever done a furniture makeover?  Last year I re-vamped these pieces of furniture and wow!  What a difference some paint makes!  


DIY: salt and pepper shakers

Normally I spend so much time on pinterest that I don't have time to do the neat things I find on there :)  But I did actually do something I found on there.    I made Salt and Pepper shakers out of glass bottles...very easy and only took a few minutes. 

1) get two cute glass bottles with lids.  I had saved two bottles that had hormel bacon bits in them.  They are tall and skinny and will hold quite a bit of pepper and salt.

2) Use a nail & hammer and make holes on the lids of the bottles.   I nailed more holes in the salt bottle. Tip- you don't have to hit the nail too hard to make the holes.

3) fill the bottles with salt and pepper...

And that's it!  :)


DIY: toy chest re-do

This is my husband's toy chest from when he was a kid..

It even has all of his old toys still in it! But I decided to change it up a little bit...

First I painted it...

And then I turned it into a bench!  I crocheted a small granny square throw to cover it. I may do something differently to the pillows.  They came along with our couch when we got it. 


DIY: spray paint brass light fixture

We have done quite a bit of updating on our "new" house...because basically it may be new to us but it was built in the 60's and was in need of some lovin!  We have been living here for over a year now.  One thing I did when I first moved in was spray paint the light fixture in our dining room area....

Here is a pic of the dining area BEFORE....as you can see the lovely brass fixture hanging there.  Also, look at the lovely wall in our dining room...we definitely painted that thing! 

Here is another pic...that's my sis-in-law being goofy. These pictures were taken the first day we saw the house. 

The first thing I did was clean it...As you can see it really needed it! 

Then I took it outside and gave it a good coat....let it dry and went over it one more time.  I was nervous about using white, thinking mistakes would be more noticable, but i think it turned out great!

Here it is hanging after I painted it (noticed the wall....looks much better after we painted that too!).

My next big project is to repaint our dining room table and chairs :)



I made these magnet letters for my niece for one of her first Christmas's.  Now that we have our own little one I really want to make some for her.  I had put magnets on the back of these but I think I will wait on the magnets until Sadie gets older.  I can always add them later:)

Have you ever made something for someone as a gift and then afterwards you realize you like it so much you want it for your own?

Nursery Themes....

What are your thoughts on nursery themes?  I am in that "nesting" but feeling kind of stuck.  I bought this awesome rug on Urban Outfitters one because I loved it and two because of the good price.   It has already come in it seems to be a bit brighter than this picture from the website.   I am debating on if we should paint Sadie's room or if we should keep it the white color that it already is....ahhh what to do?


Is Pinterest interesting to you?

I think I may be a bit obsessed.  Pinterest is the one thing that brings me closer to crafting and yet farther away.  I have found many things on Pinterest that I have actually done but I have also spent hours on Pinterest looking at numerous things and all the awhile I could have made one of those things during that time of looking! 

It's just right there..waiting for me to search something.  Are you obsessed too?

Follow me and I'll follow you ;)


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